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12-pax Tornado

Seats with amortization

Our fastest and most comfortable boat. It has got 10 comfy seats with specially designed amortization systems, so that riding on big waves is softer and fun. The maximum speed is up to 100km/h. 2 extra seats at the back of the boat.

 Tornado has got 2 powerful 275HP Mercury engines. The lenght of the boat is 12 metres.

30-pax Liisa

Nice boat for rainy weather

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12 pax Cobra

Fast, comfy and can take all your luggage

Our 12 pax Cobra can take people and also their things to requested place. There is big space for all your things in fron of the boat. It has got dual seats for 12 people in total. 

Cobra has got 300HP Suzuki engine that can make up to 75km/h..

Fast, Black and James Bond alike

FBI 007 Bombard

FBI 007 is our smallest boat. It has got 8 seats + 2 standing places extra if you go to some island. Its ideal to have safari or transport to isands when its too windy. The lenght is 7,2 metres. FBI has got  200 HP Honda engine.

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6-pax Hovercraft

During winter to Aegna island

We offer transport to Aegna island with our new ship Liisa. Seats for 30 people. Ideal for rainy weather or big groups - just 7 minutes to Aegna island. Ask for private charters by email

Its fast and comfortable, approx 15miles per hour.


We offer transport to Aegna island with our new hovecraft. Seats for 6 people. Ideal during the winter when the sea is under ice or in summer when there is no wind - just 5 minutes to Aegna island. Ask for private charters by email


Our boats, ship and hovercraft

Fast, Safe, Seaworthy, Fun

+372 56 224 146


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Tallinna Veespordi Klubi MTÜ

Reg nr 80234545

Sadama tee 11, Rohuneeme küla,

74012 Harju maakond, Estonia
A/a SEB pank EE441010220194410224

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